
11 Tips when buying used Jewery

  1. Use a Jewelers Magnet to check for real or fake Gold and or Silver as it saves time and money by not needing to go further if not even real precious metal, etc.
  2. Buyer and Seller should go to a jeweler to ascertain value of an item(s) or if fake or real at the least
  3. Jeweler’s acid to self test for fake or real and gold karat
  4. A good jeweler and a good test of the validity of what is being sold is a Jeweler’s acid test of the jewelry to ascertain fake or real and if gold what Karat.
  5. Gold and silver has some metal in it and if the magnet is too strong it will pick it up or attach anyway and if too weak it will not so it still gives the impression that it is gold or silver when it possibly isn’t.
  6. Some Stainless Steel looks just like Sterling Silver.
  7. Ask if they tested the item(s) with Jeweler’s Acid
  8. Ask what justifies the asking price if it is not all precious metal, but has some unknowns thrown in.
  9. Scale tells the weight of the item(s) if you are buying by the gram like many jeweler’s do for the days going price per gram or troy ounce
  10. Buying mixed piece’s is not always the best way to go as most times you overpay
  11. Someone honest feels no need to deceive as they are looking for repeat business